7. Unit 1: Greetings Around the World (Handshakes, Kisses, Tongues, and other Greetings) – P. 6
8. Unit 1: Greetings Around the World (Handshakes, Kisses, Tongues, and other Greetings) – P. 6
9. index 13
10. Unit 1: Greetings Around the World (Handshakes, Kisses, Tongues, and other Greetings) – P. 6
11. 3) These range from the common handsake to other things rituals (that are ) found in some countries. ritual: a specific set of actions performed for a particular reason> I don’t understand the rituals (that) I saw the people performed. 4) Let’s take a
12. Paragraph (2)-Main point: Various greeting styles in different countries5) In the United States and Canada, for example = (for instance) a simple handshake or nod is the norm = (criterion = standard) 6) The handshake has an interesting origin: it started
13. index 14
14. index 15
15. Paragraph (2)-Main point: Various greeting styles in different countries5) In the United States and Canada, for example = (for instance) a simple handshake or nod is the norm = (criterion = standard) 6) The handshake has an interesting origin: it started
16. 9) In Russia, males *grasp other men’s hands very strongly during the handshakes. *grasp → “The life is full of unpredictabilities and uncertainities. The only thing we can do is grasping the moment and enjoying the life.”10) Handshakes are also how most
17. 9) In Russia, males *grasp other men’s hands very strongly during the handshakes. *grasp → “The life is full of unpredictabilities and uncertainities. The only thing we can do is grasping the moment and enjoying the life.”10) Handshakes are also how most
18. 片尾
Length: 45:07, Posted : 2022-09-11 19:12
Views : 233
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